Home > PyMOL > Hydrogen bond

Display of Hydrogen bond

Display of Hydrogen bond is simple.
Action → find → polar contacts → select from menu

Helix is shown in the figure below. (I selected "without solvent".)

Example -Protein-Ligand interface-

I'll show you how to display hydrogen bond between protein and ligand. I use RNase and 3'GMP complex.
  1. Selection of ligand
  2. select gmp, resn 3gp

  3. Display of hydrogen bond
  4. panel of ligand that created
    Action → find → polar contacts → to other atom in object

    Hide → everything
    Show → stick
    Show → cartoon

    Display of water molecule as sphere model ...
    show sphere, resn hoh
    set sphere_scale, 0.2
    Deletion of water molecule ...
    1.click to select water molecule
    2.(all)Hide → Sphere
    3.(sele) Show → Sphere

    Turning of main chain ...
    set cartoon_side_chain_helper, on

    Example -Protein-Protein interface-

    I'll show you how to display hydrogen bond between protein and Protein. I use Nectin-1 homodimer.
    1. Selection of molecule
    2. Select chainA
      select molA, chain A

    3. Display of hydrogen bond
    4. panel of chainA that created
      Action → find → polar contacts → to other atom in object

      See also Interaction interface.